Sport Management


File test 01


•    Identification of the Obstacles and Problems of Research in Physical Education and Sports Sciences in Iranian Universities
•    A Review of the Status of Physical Education Dissertations in Iran’s Higher Education Institutes and Proposing Basic Strategies in Research
•    Setting the Research Priorities in the Field of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
•    Studying the Reasons for Failure of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s National Youth Football Teams in the Asian Youth Football Championships in a Period 20 Years (1978-1998)
•    Description and Evaluation of the Fifth Iranian Students Sport Olympiad
•    The Content Analysis of Physical Education Textbook (for the First Grade of Elementary School) Published by the Ministry of Education in 2000 as a Trial Basis
•    A Study about the Factors Influencing University Students' Attitudes towards Sport in Leisure Time
•    Physical education and sport sciences descriptive Bibliographies
•    Description the barriers of Woman participation in sports and physical Activities
•    Evaluation of the Status Quo and Development of Aptitude Assessment Indicators in Volleyball
•    Study the existing programs and design talent identification parameters in athletics in Iran
•    Development an Entrance test battery for applicants of B.A degree of  Physical Education
•    Comparing Some Selected Physical Education Research Centers Inside and Outside Iran in Terms of Organizational and Planning Structure
•    Establishment of Evaluative and supervisory system for the physical education Programs of universities
•    Current Talent Identification Models, Development of a new Model for Male Team Handball Players
•    Evaluation of the Status Quo and Development of Aptitude Assessment Indicators in Swimming
•    Studying the Present Status and Codify Indexes for Talent Detection in Basketball
•    A study in the Present Process of Talent Identification in the Iranian wrestling and Determining its Criteria
•    Setting the Research Priorities in the Field of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (Part 2- for Executives)
•    Planning new B.S. and M.S. courses in Kinesology
•    Assessment of Total Performance, Necessity and Special Manner of Utilization of Foreign Coaches in National and Club Soccer of Iran
•    Evaluation of Performance of Training Programs Approved for Iran’s Athletics and Fencing National Teams for Presence in the 2002 Asian Games in Busan (from October 2001 to September 2002)
•    Evaluation and Revision of the Physical Education Entrance Exam and Proposing an Appropriate Model
•    An inspection of present disposition and collection of talent identification indexes in weightlifting
•    Presentation of proper pattern of scholar's dormitory health hall
•    Reasons of tend toward Karate, changing of style and master and reasons of irregular training in Tehran men Karate kas (men) in various ages.
•    Reviewing the educational curricula of physical education Bachelor, Master and Doctorate courses and presenting and optimized program
•    Describing the 6th Sport Olympiad of the public non medical universities
•    The comparison between the status of the professional football clubs of I.R.IRAN with UEFA criteria and selected clubs of Japan, South Korea, U.A Emarates and Turkey
•    Typology and etiology of collective behaviors of the supporters of popular sports clup in the city of the Tehran professional soccer league in 2002-2003
•    Study of amount of Acquantance of Tehran city coaches, teachers and sport managers with sport law
•    Investigate the situation of talent identification process and collection of badminton related indexes in Iran
•    Needs assessment of Iranian women of different layers about sport for all and presenting an executive national model
•    Status of teaching P.E course in the first three grades of elementary schools of Iran.
•    Physical Education in preschool the study of quantitative and qualitive state of centers of Tehran
•    Improving the productivity of place, facility and equipment in sport
•    Evaluating the perception of various classes of society, regarding the presence of female spectators in men's sport fields and competitions
•    Planning Ph.D and M.S Courses in Physical Education and Sport Sciences
•    Surrvey and analyze the conditions of philosophical mindedness of Managers, different sport team Coaches .Team supervisors and athletic students in Iran universities and higher education institutes
•    Attitude measurement: implication for Islamic countries’ women sports federation and third edition of women sport games
•    The designing and verifying of information site for university 
sport organization of science, research and technology 
•    An Investigation into safety conditions in Tehran Universities and suggestion as to improving those condition
•    Physical Education Curriculum Needs Assessment in Schools (A Model for Planning)
•    The comparative, goals and circumstances of parental participation in educating sport in Iran and selected countries and present the appropriate
•    Pattern
•    Development of a Comprehensive System for Wrestling
•    Assessment of Disruptive Behaviors in Iranian Football Clubs Matches
•    Drowning swimmers in Caspian Sea at five vears ago and with those correlated factors
•    Evaluation of scientific-proficient competition and investigate the effects of participation in this competition on P.E. teacher's job performance
•    The supervision and appraisal pattern for universities athletic departments
•    A study of quantity and quality evaluation on Human Sources in sport media in Iran
•    The study on the role of sport media in the Iran's Sport
•    Assessment of Physical Activity in Different Groups of Iran Society and Related National Norms (National Survey of Iranian Physical Activity
•    Strategic summery for sailing and water sking fed
•    Studying the characteristics and potentials of selected provinces and identifying most powerful elite sport districts of the Country
•    A Descriptive Study on Educational Research System of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at British Universities
•    A Comparative Study of Iran’s University Sports Structure with Selected Countries and Proposing a Model
•    Taekwondo Strategic Planning of I.R.Iran
•    Current Talent Identification Models, Development of a new Model for Karate in Iran
•    Strategic Planning for Developing Physical Education
o    And Sport Sciences Researches
•    Identifying current situation and talent identification in cycling
•    Investigate the relationship between the level of educational adjustment in physical education students
•    Describe the technical. Administrative and cultural management of the 8th university sport Olympiad and to compare them with those of 5th and 6th, and to concluded some guidelines that could hopefully help planning to organized the 9th Olympiad
•    A comprehensive plan on developing volleyball in Iran
•    Evaluation of the Status Quo and Development of Aptitude Assessment Indicators in Judo
•    Determining content, syllabus, and evaluation methods of physical education "2" in universities of Iran
•    Design strategic plan for IRI Athletic sports
•    Determining of validity and reliability of 360 degree feedback scale for leadership in sport management
•    History of Physical Education and Sport in the Ministry of Education During the Period 1927-2006
•    To Study the Factors Affecting the Incidence and the Spread of Administrative and Perceived Corruption and Its Controlling Methods in Iran Sport Organizations
•    Design strategic plan for developing IRI university sport
•    Sports Talent Identification by Intelligent Algorithms
•    A study of Professional and Organizational Commitment among Faculty Members of Physical Education Faculties in Tehran universities
•    Demand-based Researches in Physical Education and Sport Sciences with Emphasis on PhD Theses
•    The status of recreational sports in leisure time of elders in Tehran
•    Designing and collecting the curriculum for master of research in physical education and sports sciences
•    The Study of  Post Graduate Periods Quality In physical Sport Sciences Among Iran's State Universities From The Students, Faculty Members, And Managers' Points Of View'
•    Planning and programming of new BS.c, MSc Curriculum inand Exercise Science Field
•    Planning and Programing of new PHD curriculum of physical education and exercise Science Field
•    Identification and Codifying Ethical Standards for Iran Academic Membres of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
•    Design and Developing the Model of Obstacles affecting Implementation of Strategic Plans in Iranian Ministry of Sport and Youth
•    Analysis of Student attitudes toward Sport Associations
•    Performance in Iran Universities
•    Comparison study of volunteer management in selected countries and offering a managerial pattern for Iran's sport
•    Performance Evaluation of Research Institute of Physical Education and Sport Sciences of Researches, Sciences and Technology Ministry from 1999(1377) to the late of 2009(1387)
•    The Evolution and History of university sport of I.R.Iran
•    Estimating the validity and reliability of organizational spirituality in sport and youth ministry
•    Sport manager's challenges in Iran
•    Developing strategies of “Sport for All” in Iran Universities
•    Studying the challenging in Iran athletics sport competition management
•    “A Study of Service Quality Dimensions in Sport Tourism”
•    Pathology of Sport Associations in Physical Education Administration of Science, Research and Technology Ministry
•    Creating a data base of scientific and research production of physical Education and Sport Sciences University, the physical Education Organization, the Ministry of Education and the National Olympic Committee in Iran
•    Determination of brand status of physical education and sport science research institute of Iran and suggested alternatives for its promotion
•    Determine the profile of talent identification scales in Futsal for men
•    The investigated validity, reliability and factor structure of Work Ability Index (WAI) and relationship physical fitness and body composition with work ability among employees in Kermanshah
•    The identification and prioritization sport events television viewing motives among youth students
•    Design and establishment of the strategic plan of the Physical Education and Sports Sciences Research Center
•    Indexing Physical Education and Sport Science Institute` journals
•    investigate the adherence of sports journalists to the ethics of journalism from the perspective of journalists - reporters and sports experts

•    The study of ethical problems and challenges in championship and professional sports
•    survey of marketing and capital recruitment method in sport boards of
•    Markazi province
•    Analysis of the policy situation and planning in leisure time with the approach of physical activity of people in Tehran Province and providing a desirable pattern

•    Analysis of the status of IRAN bodubuilding clubs
•    Designing the Commercialization Model of Products of Physical Education Research Institute and Sport Sciences
•    Analysis and Application of Effective Factors on Research and Development (R& D) Capabilities at Sport Sciences Research Institute of Iran The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors affecting the R & D capabilities of the Sport Sciences Research Institute.
•    Survaying the effectiveness of organizational status of women in the structure of sports boards of Tehran province and providing strategies for improving effectiveness
•    Designing a Strategy Map for the Sport Science Research Institute Using the Balanced Scorecard

•    Design and establishment of the strategic plan of the Physical Education and Sports Sciences Research Center
•    Systematic Review of studies of women’s Sports Scope
•    Developing a brand extention pattern for sport scienes institute
•    Employment System of Graduates of Physical Education and Sport Sciences with Privatization Approach

•    A systematic review of football studies
•    A systematic review of sport for all Articles
•    Review the Previous Studies on Sport for All in Iran- Case Study: Elderly
•    Identifiying the Examples of Shadow Economy Affecting the Development of Professional Sports in Iran

•    َAnalytical Study of Scientific Productivity Status in the Iranian Sport Sciences with Viewpoint of Realization of Iran's 2025 Outlook Document
•    Identification of Ethical Values and its Development Pattern in Iranian Sport
•    Etiology of the Causes of Financial and Ethical Corruption in Iran’s Sport and Developing Preventive and Controlling Mechanisms
•    Employment Strategies in Sport in South Khorasan Province with a Resilient Economy Approach
•    Review of Sport for All Studies in Iran
•    (Review of Articles, Thesis and Other Research Studied in Universities, Research and Higher Education Institutes)
•    Descriptive Analysis of Research Projects of the Sport Sciences Research Institute
•    Dr. Fariba Mohammadi, Assistant Professor, Sport Sciences Research Institute
•    Descriptive study on researches in sport for all in Iran
•    (With emphasis on research projects by the Ministry of Sports and Youth, Ministry of Education, Tehran Municipality and the Sport for all Federation)
•    Developing evaluation Indicators of Iranian athletes performance in Asian and Olympic Games

tags: Sport Management

Last Update At : 05 January 2021