Collaboration of Professor Jim Parry- University Professor and International Lecturer- with ICSSRI 2020 Virtual Experience as Keynote Speaker

27 October 2020 | 14:20 Code : 530 News
Collaboration of Professor Jim Parry- University Professor and International Lecturer- with ICSSRI 2020 Virtual Experience as Keynote Speaker

Professor Jim Parry has been the Head of Department of Philosophy at the University of Leeds. His work specializes in Applied Ethics and Political Philosophy. He is a former professional footballer, has a book series in Ethics and Sport, and is Founding Director of the British Olympic Academy. He has been an international professor of Olympic studies at the University of Ghent, Belgium and is currently a visiting professor at Charles University Prague. His main academic interests are in sports ethics and social and political philosophy. He is co-author of The Olympic Games Explained (2005), Sport and Spirituality (2007) and Olympic Values and Ethics in Contemporary Society (2012); and co-editor of Ethics and Sport (1998), Olympic Ethics and Philosophy (2012), and Fields of Vision – the Arts in Sport (2014), Ethics and Governance in Sport (2016), and Body Ecology and Emersive Leisure (2018). He is a former Chair of the British Universities Physical Education Association and Founding Director of the British Olympic Academy. He has been Visiting Professor of Olympic Studies in Barcelona, Ghent, Ancient Olympia, London and Sochi.

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