Report on the 2023 Physical Test for Sports Science Admission

31 August 2024 | 09:16 Code : 2921 News
Report on the 2023 Physical Test for Sports Science Admission

Dr. Mohsen Esmaeili, Executive Director of the Practical Test and Head of the Research and Graduate Studies Department at the Sports Science Research Institute, shared details with the Institute’s Public Relations. He explained that the 2023 practical test for the Sports Science program (admission by examination) took place on Thursday, September 8, for male candidates, and Friday, September 9, for female candidates, across 27 centers nationwide. As an exception, the test for females at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad was held on September 9 and 10, lasting two days.

Dr. Esmaeili mentioned that this major national event was organized by the National Organization for Testing and Evaluation of the National Education System, the Sports Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology, in collaboration with several large universities across the country. It aimed to evaluate the performance of over 21,000 applicants from different fields—mathematics and engineering, humanities, and experimental sciences—who had applied to the Sports Science program.

He also emphasized that 1,500 trained and specialized personnel were involved in organizing the event, including admission staff, doctors, body evaluators, balance evaluators, referees, online data recording teams, support staff, volunteers, etc. Additionally, representatives from universities, executive supervisors, and observers from the Research Institute (54 personnel) were present at all test centers to ensure proper execution of the test.

Dr. Esmaeili explained that this year’s test focused on accurately assessing the health, physical condition, and movement capabilities of applicants. Initially, the participants’ cardiovascular health, respiratory function, vision, hearing, blood pressure, and other factors were evaluated by medical personnel. Then, their physical conditions, including issues like flat feet, bow-leggedness, scoliosis, etc., were examined by experts in corrective exercises and kinesiology, and their balance was also tested.

The head of the Research and Graduate Studies Department further explained that after receiving medical clearance, the candidates participated in the practical test, named the “Seven Trials Test” of the Sports Science Research Institute. The seven stages of the test included: 1) Barbell pull-ups in 20 seconds, 2) Dribbling football and basketball, 3) Sit-ups in 30 seconds, 4) Jumping over hurdles, 5) Agility test – 4x9 meters run, 6) Medicine ball throw, and 7) Running 250 meters for males / 150 meters for females.

Dr. Esmaeili concluded by stating that after thoroughly processing the candidates’ data, the scores would be submitted to the National Organization for Testing and included in the final result report. He added that the practical test score would count as a specialized subject with a weight of 12 when determining the final results of the 2023 nationwide university entrance exam for the Sports Science/Admission by Examination program.


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