Meeting Discusses Formation and Development of Deaf Sports Federation Academy
According to the Public Relations Office of the Institute for Physical Education and Sports Sciences, and the Public Relations Office of the Deaf Sports Federation, a recent meeting focused on the drafting of the academy’s bylaws, aligned with the needs, goals, and mission of the federation. Key decisions included granting the federation president the authority to appoint the president, vice president, and secretary of the academy’s board of trustees, as well as establishing that board meetings would be held at least once every three months. Additionally, the next meeting will be hosted by the National Olympic Committee.
The agenda also covered the creation of an academic calendar for the second half of the year, which was approved by the board of trustees, and the establishment of a brainstorming group in a virtual space for further discussion and exchange of ideas.
Among the distinguished participants in the meeting were:
• Dr. Sadr, President of the National Olympic Academy
• Dr. Reza Qarakhanlou, Professor at Tarbiat Modares University, former President of the National Olympic Committee
• Dr. Zahra Salman, President of the Institute for Physical Education and Sports Sciences and Professor at Allameh Tabatabai University
• Dr. Amir Hosseini, Former President of the National Olympic Academy and former Secretary-General of the National Olympic Committee
• Professor Habib Henry, Former Research Vice President at Allameh Tabatabai University
• Dr. Ali Kashi, Faculty Member at the Institute for Physical Education and Sports Sciences and Secretary General of Special Olympics Iran
• Dr. Zahra Asadi, Professor and Senior Consultant to the Federation President for Women’s Affairs in the Deaf Sports Federation
• Dr. Gholamreza Norouzi, President of the Sports Medicine Federation and Vice President of the National Olympic Committee
• Dr. Shahin Sultanpour, Professor at University and Director of Physical Education at the Prisons Organization
• Dr. Delfan, Deputy of Basic Education and Talent Identification at the Ministry of Sports and Youth
• Ali Feizasa, Sports Editor-in-Chief at ISNA News Agency
• Alireza Basih, Secretary General of the Federation
• Omid Saeidi and Zahra Davoodi, Vice Presidents of the Federation
• Dr. Pourya Sohrabi, Head of the Federation’s Strategic Council
• Dr. Saeed Aliabadi, Acting Head of the Deaf Sports National Academy.
This gathering marks an important step towards the advancement of the Deaf Sports Federation’s plans for the future.
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