Dr. Hossein Zareian Promoted to Associate Professor
According to the Public Relations Office of the Institute of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Dr. Hossein Zareian, a full-time faculty member with a Ph.D. in Sports Management, has been promoted to the academic rank of Associate Professor following an in-depth review and approval by the evaluation committee of Kharazmi University, the supervising committee for the Institute.
Academic and Research Contributions
Dr. Zareian is a member of the Research Group for Sports Management and Policy-Making at the institute, specializing in sports event management and the Olympic Games. His academic contributions include:
• Completion of 10 research projects (both in-house and commissioned).
• Publication of nearly 50 scientific articles in prestigious national and international journals.
• Participation in over 15 national and international conferences as a speaker and keynote lecturer.
• Serving as a scientific reviewer for more than 10 reputable domestic journals.
Dr. Zareian has also authored several books in his areas of expertise and has conducted over 10 educational workshops. Additionally, he has supervised more than 15 graduate theses and dissertations in advanced academic programs.
Leadership and Administrative Roles
Beyond his academic achievements, Dr. Zareian has significantly contributed to the institute’s administration. His leadership roles include:
• Vice President of Cultural and Social Affairs (since 2020).
• Director of Specialized Education and Graduate Studies.
• Executive Manager of the Ethics in Research Committee.
• Coordinator of Short-Term Research Sabbatical Programs.
• Secretary-General of the 13th and 14th International Congresses on Sports Sciences.
• Executive Secretary of the First Festival of Sports Sciences Excellence.
Other Notable Contributions
Dr. Zareian’s extensive service to the broader academic and sports communities includes:
• Member of the Curriculum Revision Committee for the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology (Master’s Program in Sports Management).
• Chair of the Research and Studies Committee of the Federation of Zurkhaneh Sports and Pahlavani Wrestling.
• Secretary-General of the First National and Second International Congress on Zurkhaneh Sports, Pahlavani Wrestling, and the Art of Morshedi.
The Institute of Physical Education and Sports Sciences extends its warmest congratulations to Dr. Hossein Zareian on this well-deserved promotion and wishes him continued success in advancing sports science and contributing to the development of sports in the country.
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