SSRII Signs Cooperation Agreement with Federation for the Blind and Visually Impaired

19 December 2024 | 09:43 Code : 2768 News
SSRII Signs Cooperation Agreement with Federation for the Blind and Visually Impaired

SSRII has formalized a partnership with the Federation for the Blind and Visually Impaired through the signing of a cooperation agreement by Dr. Fariba Mohammadi, Acting Head of the Institute, and Mohammadreza Mazloumi, President of the Federation.

The agreement aims to establish a foundation for collaborative research and technological projects tailored to the needs of the federation.

Key areas of cooperation outlined in the agreement include:

• Hosting scientific and educational events.

• Organizing annual scientific and analytical meetings.

• Guiding research projects and theses toward federation priorities.

• Co-producing and publishing scientific works.

• Designing and manufacturing specialized sports equipment.

• Sharing facilities and resources between the two organizations.

• Establishing a performance assessment and enhancement center for visually impaired athletes.

• Supporting startups and innovations in adaptive sports technologies.

• Hosting exhibitions and cultural and sporting events.

This agreement represents a significant step in fostering scientific and educational collaboration between the institute and the federation, with the goal of advancing sports and research activities for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.



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