SSRI and Halabja University Sign Cooperation Agreement to Boost International Collaboration

03 December 2024 | 00:35 Code : 2667 News
SSRI and Halabja University Sign Cooperation Agreement to Boost International Collaboration

The Sport Sciences Research Institute of Iran and Halabja University have signed a joint cooperation agreement to enhance academic and research collaborations.

As reported by the SSRI Public Relations Department, the agreement was signed by Dr. Fariba Mohammadi, Acting President of the SSRI, and Dr. Dana Abdullah Taher, Vice President for Scientific Affairs and Graduate Studies at Halabja University.

Under the terms of the agreement, both parties will collaborate in various areas, including:

  • Academic and research exchanges: Faculty exchanges, joint workshops, seminars, conferences, and publications.
  • Professional development: Joint training programs, capacity-building workshops, and mentorship programs to enhance the knowledge and skills of sports science professionals.
  • Policy development: Joint efforts to develop sports policies.
  • Networking: Exchange of logos, academic tours, and other activities to strengthen ties.

During the signing ceremony, officials from Halabja University toured the SSRI's state-of-the-art laboratories and learned about the various services offered, including those for faculty, researchers, sports science students, and professional athletes.

In addition to Dr. Mohammadi and Dr. Taher, other attendees included Dr. Mohsen Esmaeili, Deputy for Research and Graduate Studies; Dr. Hossein Zarayian, Deputy for Cultural and Social Affairs; Dr. Behnam Naghipour, Acting Deputy for Technology; Dr. Amir Shams, Head of the Sports and Society Research Center; and Dr. Fahimeh Mohammad Hassan, International Affairs Director from the SSRI. From Halabja University, Dr. Sirwan Hamid Ahmad, Deputy for Administrative and Financial Affairs; Dr. Ako Ibrahim, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education; and Dr. Hirsh Hama Amin, Director of the Research Center were also present.

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