مقالات اخیر

تعداد بازدید:۱۲۶۵۲
ردیف عنوان مقاله نویسندگان مقاله به ترتیب نام نشریه /مجله تاریخ چاپ
1 sEMG-based impedance control for lower- limb rehabilitation robot Vahab Khoshdel
Alireza Akbarzadeh
Nadia Naghavi
Ali Sharifnezhad & Mahdi Souzanchi Kashani
Intelligent Service Robotics 11, Oct, 2017
2 Effect of a selected exercise program on executive function of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Memarmoghadam M, Torbati HT, Sohrabi M, Mashhadi A, Kashi A Journal of medicine and life vol 4, iss4, October-december 2016
3 Psychometric properties of the Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development inventory for use with Iranian children aged 18–42 months Saeed Valadia
Carl Gabbardb
Elahe Arabameric
Ali Kashid
Abdollah Ghasemi
Infant Behavior and Development 2018, vol 50
4 Performance analysis of Asian
countries in the International Military Sports Council (Conseil International du Sport
Militaries (CISM))
Rasouli M
Baran Cheshmeh M. A
Fazel Bakhsheshi M
Zareian H
Science and Education ACADEMIC JOURNAL Issue 6, 2017



5 Post-exercise Blood Pressure Responses to Upper and Lower Limbs Resistance Exercise Mohebbi H, Rohani H, Ghiasi A Medicina dello Sport Dec-2014
6 The effects of 6 months specific aerobic gymnastic training on motor abilities in 10 - 12 years old children Farzaneh E, Rohani H, Mehrtash M, Nasiri R Science of Gymnastics Journal Feb-2015
7 The Effect of HMB Supplementation on Cardiovascular Risk Factors after Four Weeks of Resistance Training in Amateur Athletes Arazi H, Rohani H , Ghiasi A , Davaran M International Cardiovascular Research Journal Jun-2015
8 Resistance training & beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate supplementation on hormones Arazi H, Rohani H, Ghiasi A, Abdi-Keikanloo N Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte Journal Sept./Oct. 2015
9 Role of S100A12/RAGE axis in eccentric exercise-induced delayed-onset muscle soreness in male non-athletes Khorramdelazad H, Rohani H, Jafarzadeh A, Hajizadeh M, Mirzaee V, Sayadi A, Hassanshahi GH Sport Sciences for Health Nov 2015
10 The effect of 12 weeks endurance training with 2 different intensities on GLUT4 mRNA expression of soleus and gastrocnemius muscles in obese mice Mohebbi H, Rohani H, Hasan-nia S Apunts. Medicina de l'Esport Mar 2016
11 Effect of Involved Muscle Mass in Resistance Exercise on Blood Pressure and Rate Pressure Product. Mohebbi H, Rohani H, Ghiasi A Apunts. Medicina de l'Esport Jul 2016
12 The Second to Fourth Digit Ratio in Elite and Non-Elite Greco-Roman Wrestlers Mohammad Keshavarz, Mahdi Bayati, Babak Farzad, Amirbahador Dakhili, Hamid Agha Alinejad Journal of Human Kinetics December 2017
13 Determining Strategic Program for Administration Department of Physica
Education of Ministry of Science, Researches & Technology by Balance Score Carc
Shahram Azimi
Mehrzad AminiMohammad Pourkiani
Nazanin Rasekh
Gazella journal In process
14 The eccentric torque production capacity of the ankle, knee, and hip muscle groups in patients with unilateral chronic ankle instability   Asian journal of sports medicine 2012
15 The effect of muscle fatigue on dynamic standing balance in people with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome   Gait & Posture 2012
16 Lead Quantification in Urine Samples of Athletes
by Coupling DLLME with UV-Vis Spectrophotometry
Hakim Faraji
Masoumeh Helalizadeh
Biological Trace Element Research* April 2017



17 Overcoming the challenges of conventional dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction method: Analysis of THMs in chlorinated swimming pools Hakim Faraji

Masoumeh Helalizadeh
Mohamma Reza Kordi
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry** In process
18 Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise improves sleep quality in men older adults Ahmad Aliakbari Kamrani
Amir Shams
Parvane Shamsipour
Samaneh Younesian
Robabe Mohajeri
Medecina Dello Sport 2015
19 Comparing Levels of Depression in Healthy Active and Inactive Elders versus Those with Knee Osteoarthritis Disease Amir Shams
Samaneh Pourhadi
Robab Sahaf
Annals of Applied Sport Science 2016
20 Contextual Interference Effect in Bandwidth and Self-Control Feedback Conditions on Relative and Absolute Timing Learning Amir Shams
Mansoure Naeimi Tajdar
Annals of Applied Sport Science 2016



Is observational learning and random practice increase learning of motor skills? Amir Shams
Davood Fazeli
Journal of sport  Science In process
22 The Effect of Training Variability and Freezing of Freedom Degrees on Learning of Throwing Darts Skill Saleh Rafiee- Amir Dana Annals of Applied Sport Science In process
23 The Effects of Technology Spillover on the Economic Growth of Iran's Sport Industry SAYED ABDOLMAJID JALAYEE



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